Hand therapy equipment
File name-CD number
NHCopening(117)-CD 6109 UploadDate
September 16, 2014 ClientName
Shantell Kirkendoll-PRMC Location
Northville Health Center Credit
Michigan Photography Patient Image
This is not a patient image CD Storage
Hand/finger exerciser stand
File name-CD number
NHCopening(116)-CD 6109 UploadDate
September 16, 2014 ClientName
Shantell Kirkendoll-PRMC Location
Northville Health Center Credit
Michigan Photography Patient Image
This is not a patient image CD Storage
hand therapy room
File name-CD number
NHCopening(115)-CD 6109 UploadDate
September 16, 2014 ClientName
Shantell Kirkendoll-PRMC Location
Northville Heatlh Center Credit
Michigan Photography Patient Image
This is not a patient image CD Storage
Physical therapy and occupational therapy teams…
File name-CD number
NHCopening(114)-CD 6109 UploadDate
September 16, 2014 ClientName
Shantell Kirkendoll-PRMC Location
Northville Health Center Credit
Michigan Photography Patient Image
This is not a patient image CD Storage
The space features 20 exam rooms, cast tables, a…
File name-CD number
NHCopening(112)-CD 6109 UploadDate
August 20, 2014 ClientName
Shantell Kirkendoll-PRMC Location
Northville Health Center Credit
Michigan Photography Patient Image
This is not a patient image CD Storage
Sports medicine and rehabilitation provides…
File name-CD number
NHCopening(110)-CD 6109 UploadDate
August 20, 2014 ClientName
Shantell Kirkendoll-PRMC Location
Northville Health Center Credit
Michigan Photography Patient Image
This is not a patient image CD Storage
Sports medicine and rehabilitation provides…
File name-CD number
NHCopening(108)-CD 6109 UploadDate
August 20, 2014 ClientName
Shantell Kirkendoll-PRMC Location
Northville Health Center Credit
Michigan Photography Patient Image
This is not a patient image CD Storage
The Comprehensive Musculoskeletal Center Therapy…
File name-CD number
NHCopening(098)-CD 6109 UploadDate
August 20, 2014 ClientName
Shantell Kirkendoll-PRMC Location
Northville Health Center Credit
Michigan Photography Patient Image
This is not a patient image CD Storage