Specialties: Pediatric Hematology/Oncology,…
File name-CD number
Profile-LauraSedig-2018- UploadDate
July 13, 2018 Patient Image
This is not a patient image CD Storage
There is no CD
Elizabeth Lawlor and Erika Newman. NCRC Lab
File name-CD number
NCRClabsJuly13(145)-Disc 6147 UploadDate
December 23, 2014 ClientName
Dept of Comm Location
NCRC Credit
Michigan Photography Patient Image
This is not a patient image CD Storage
Yes - See Christy Barnes for additional images
Russell G Adderley Professor of Pediatric…
File name-CD number
NCRClabsJuly13(106)-Disc 6147 UploadDate
December 23, 2014 ClientName
Dept of Comm Location
NCRC Credit
Michigan Photography Patient Image
This is not a patient image CD Storage
Yes - See Christy Barnes for additional images
Russell G Adderley Professor of Pediatric…
File name-CD number
NCRClabsJuly13(132)-Disc 6147 UploadDate
December 23, 2014 ClientName
Dept of Comm Location
NCRC Credit
Michigan Photography Patient Image
This is not a patient image CD Storage
Yes - See Christy Barnes for additional images
Russell G Adderley Professor of Pediatric…
File name-CD number
NCRClabsJuly13(114)-Disc 6147 UploadDate
December 23, 2014 ClientName
Dept. of Comm Location
NCRC Credit
Michigan Photography Patient Image
This is not a patient image CD Storage
Yes - See Christy Barnes for additional images